We are also pleased to annouce that Dr. James Cantrell, District Superintendent of the Atlanta Decatur Oxford District, has agreed to become the Director of Development for Venezuela Now, Inc. His first goal is to recruit 150 people who will give a minimum of $1,000 each per year for five years to benefit the Wesley Seminary of Venezuela.
How will we use the $55,000? We will combine it with some cash we already have and make the initial payment for the La Piedad Property (pictured in a previous post). That will leave a $250,000 balance to be paid by the end of 2008.
How will we pay the $250,000 balance? Only by God's help. On Thursday noon at Annual Conference Dr. Maxey Dunnam was preaching and asked, "How long has it been since you attempted something that is impossible to accomplish without God's help?" I had to confess it had been a while. I felt convicted in that moment to move ahead with the purchase trusting God to provide the balance required. All our US and Venezuelan advisors have said we must buy this property. So we are committed. We cannot wait to see how God provides the increase!
If you are reading this and God touches your heart, you can send a check to the address above. or if you would like to discuss this further, you may contact me at wlathem@aslangroup.com.
Pictured below are the Morales families serving the UMC in North Georgia. These folks had attended the Seminario Wesleyano de Venezuela before coming to Georgia to serve congregations here. Efrain and Bethsaida (pictured on left behind Warren) will be among the 12 first graduates of the seminary in August. Praise God for all His blessings!