These are the children of 'Lugar Altissimo' (The High Place) one of our Methodist churches. They are listening to a Bible story. I love the look of rapt attention on their faces. The Herrin family went to Venezuela this past summer as the first UM missionairies to Venezuela. They are adjusting well and making a difference in the lives of people. Pray for them. Pastor Raul and his lovely wife, Teolinda, pastor the Methodist church in San Cristobal. San Cristobal is near the border with Colombia. He has served as translator for me on many occasions (he is bilingual) and works closely with us in the Seminary as well as being a student. This picture was taken when my wife and I were visiting San Cristobal and Raul and Teolinda took us to Cucata, Colombia to shop.
Venezuela Now, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 Georgia Corporation whose purpose is to support the work of the United Methodist Church of Venezuela in reaching the lost of that country for Christ. Charitable gifts can be made to Venezuela Now, Inc.; P.O. Box 1655, Duluth, GA 30096
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