The week before Christmas, during the Christmas break from his Doctoral Studies, Dan called several of our int
ernational friends to wish them a blessed Christmas and see how their ministries are doing. He talked with Efrain (pictured alone in Venezuela ), Carlos (Costa Rica), Yolanda (pictured wiht children in Venezuela), and Yuni (Venezuela), plus left messages for several others. Pastor Efrain and his church and family are doing well, and they recently celebrated the conversions of 6 adults and 13 children.
Pastora Yolanda will be baptizing 20 new believers in January. It was a great joy to talk with so many wonderful Christian friends, and it reminded us once again about the global nature of our evangelistic task. We are so appreciative that God allows us to be a tiny part of that task with you.
(Dan and Nancy's report continues) "For Christmas lunch, James and Sylvia Anderson (pictued below in Wilmore, KY) were with us. James and Sylvia have been in Christian ministry for over 20 years. Currently, they are feeling a call from the Lord to do mission work in Latin America. As part of their discernment process, James will be going to Venezuela with us in January. Please pray for God's guidance for James as he seeks to do God's will."

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