Our January, 2008 Wesley Seminary session is January 28-February 1 in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. We are honored to have Dr. Steve Wood teaching Expository Preaching. Steve is the Senior Minister of Mount Pisgah UMC in Alpharetta. I will be teaching Sacraments and Rituals along with the team of Drs. Jim Cantrell and and Mike Cavin. Jim is the District Superintendent of the Atlanta Decatur Oxford District and Mike is the DS of the Northwest District. Joining us will be Kelly Falany and Steve Brumbelow, students at Asbury Seminary. They will be hosted by Rev. Dan Dunn who is also studying at Asbury working on his PhD. Dan plans to give more leadership to Hispanic Theological education.
Our Ministry Assistant, Samuel, will be staying in our home in the US in order to have the Rotator Cuff surgery he requires. He will be hosted by David and Carol Cosby. They are also staying in our home while David receives some very needed orthopedic care. We will greatly miss them in Venezuela, es

pecially David in his role as Academic Dean. However, we will be working with Jon and Jeannie Herrin as well as a number of wonderful Venezuelan friends.
While we are in Venezuela, we will be investigating a missionary home that is currently for sale. We are considering buying it for use by the mission. We will also be visiting a site we want to acquire for the seminary. The acquisition of a suitable facility for the seminary is absolutely critical. The site we will visit can be purchased for approximately $150,000US and already has at least $150,000 in improvements. With a the addition of a couple of construction projects, this property would be ideal for the seminary for at least the next 10-15 years.
Please pray for the w

eek of seminary, the potential of acquiring property and the worship services and relationship building. Also, please pray for travel safety and personal security for all involved. Additionally, you can help by providing financial support for this effort. You can send a financial gift to Venezuela Now, Inc. The address is above in the masthead for this blog. God will bless your generosity.
(Here are some pictures of the potential seminary site. Note the existing buildings and the beautiful trees and landscaping. This would make a great home fo

r the seminary.)