However, Sam's visit is not all fun and games. He will also visit with many of the ministry friends he has made as they traveled from their United Methodist Churches to Venezuela.
Those visits will have to take second place to the primary reason he is here. Tomorrow he will have knee surgery to repair damage done a couple of years ago when a taxi hit him in Venezuela. A couple of weeks later he will have his Rotator Cuff repaired. This damage was done when a transmission fell on him as he was making repairs to a friend's vehicle. All of this surgery is being done as outpatient surgery and is being done gratis by the Orthopedic Surgeon and his team. The surgeon met Samuel in Venezuela (see previous post). He is a member of the Alpharetta First UMC and was a member of our church in the distant past. We are most thankful to him and his team for this generous ministry to our trusted assistant, Samuel.
Please keep Samuel in your prayers as he has both of these surgeries and the busy schedule he will have while here in the US. Since his visa is only for 2 months, this will be a very busy time sandwiched between the surgeries and the recovery periods.

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