Bishop and Mrs. Davis have requested the Conference designate the traditional Love Offering for a departing Bishop to be given to missions, half to send youth on foreign mission trips and half for Venezuela Now, Inc.
This is a great blessing to Venezuela Now and to the work in Venezuela. As you can see in previous posts on this blog, there are huge opportunities for ministry in partnership with the United Methodist Church of Venezuela. We will be very blessed to receive this gift and faithful in its use for the sake of the Kingdom.
Both Bishop and Mrs. Davis have been heavily involved in missions during their 12 years in North Georgia. Jennifer Davis has been a primary supporter of the work of Honduras Outreach, especially supporting education in Honduras and the sponsorship of youth to travel on mission teams.
Bishop Davis has s
Not only have the Davis' been supportive in the past and generous in the designation of this offering, Bishop Davis has agreed to personally champion the cause of securing official "Autonomous Affiliated Status" for the Conference of the United Methodist Church of Venezuela. This is a necessary designation for the work there and involves a great deal of administrative work to secure this designation. We are most grateful for his leadership in this effort.
The United Methodist Church of Venezuela and the Seminario Wesleyano de Venezuela are blessed to have such dear and supportive friends in the Davis'. We will miss them in North Georgia, but welcome their continued support in Venezuela.
"Thank you" Bishop Lindsey and Jennifer Davis. You are loved in North Georgia and Venezuela!
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