Reverends Carlos and Dr. Maria Perona led their congregation in celebrating their new sanctuary o

n February 1, 2009 in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. About 700 members attended this great celebration and over a dozen made a first time commitment to follow Christ. Professor Dan Dunn, Dean of Students of the Serminario Wesleyano de Venezuela and John Butler, a long time supporter of the work of the UMC in Venezuela, attended this historic worship celebration.
In 2002 a mission team from Mount Pisgah UMC in John's Creek, GA partnered with the congregation to begin this long construction project. On February 1, pastor Perona thanked Rev. Dunn for being one of the first to believe in the work God had called he and Ma

ria to do in this growing poorer community in Barquisimeto.
It was also Pastor Perona who led in receiving the work of the UMC in Venezuela. As the President of the Ministerial Association, he invited Warren Lathem to Barquisimeto to preach an outdoor evangelistic crusade. This association eventually led to Pastor and Dr. Perona enrolling in the Seminario Wesleyano de Venezuela. Their endorsement and enrollment was very important to the serminary in gaining the support of the local Christian community.
Carlos and Maria were among the first graduates of the Seminario Wesleyano de Ve

nezuela in August, 2008. Dr. Maria had previously become a Pediatrician and has a practice in the community where they serve. Carlos was an engineer before responding to God's call to ministry and subsequent enrollment in the seminary.
We rejoice with the Restoration United Methodist Church and our partners in ministry, Pastors Carlos and Maria Perona. May God bless them as they continue to give leadership to the work ot the Methodist Church in Venezuela. And May God bless the 8 congregations they are currently serving.