Yesterday, today and tomorrow 120 children, youth and adults are camping on the river near Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela engaged in a Methodist Campmeeting. They are being ministered to by the Methodist pastors of the State of Bolivar. This is a joint effort of all the Methodist churches in the area with support from other United Methodist congregations across the country. All the pastors working in the Campmeeting are students or graduates of the Seminario Wesleyano de Venezuela.
The Seminary has had tremendous impact on the pastors and churches in the Bolivar State. New churches, new Christians, and new pastors are just some of the results of this ministry in that state. Your giving to the Seminary makes this possible, so "thank you."
These pastors travel over 20 hours (some more) each way by bus to come to the Seminary. They leave after church on Sunday, ride all night, and are in class when it begins at 2:00 on Monday. They are among the most faithful students in the seminary, making this sacrificial effort 5 or 6 times a year.
This fall they have invited Dan and me to come to their state for a state-wide evangelistic crusade. Please pray for this as these pastors and churches band together to reach the state and the nation for Christ. I am excited about this opportunity since I have not preached an evangelistic crusade in Venezuela since 2002 in Barquisimeto. They said there were 10,000 at that event and hundreds made a commitment to Christ.This crusade in the Bolivar State should have much greater impact since the pastors and churches will be organized to follow up with converts and begin the lifelong process of spiritual growth. Please pray for this event.
You can support the work these pastors through the Seminary by giving a gift to: Venezuela Now, Inc. PO Box 1655 Duluth, GA 30096
Venezuela Now, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 Georgia Corporation whose purpose is to support the work of the United Methodist Church of Venezuela in reaching the lost of that country for Christ. Charitable gifts can be made to Venezuela Now, Inc.; P.O. Box 1655, Duluth, GA 30096
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